Rising Pheenix


Its once again the time of month when the previous months bills get paid, pay checks go out, stores get crowded as Welfare and monthly payment checks get cashed. So there is a bottleneck.

Even then there is a serious concern that the swamp will not be able to be crossed.

I got my power bill for the Rat Shaq here yesterday. $215.00 . Which is about $75.00 more than I make here. While the damn bill got paid, still the concern here is, is this amiable, is it intelligent to remain here or would going west to Buhl to be next to Twin for the radio gig, or going east to Wyoming for the going toewing gig, be smarter?

The answer will be determined through a test I floated on Craig’s List. Posting on air jobs for the clubs radio operation, if there is enough stimulation here and people do want to go to work, then we have a direction and desire to remain on station here. In the other lane, few or next to zero response to the ads mean, low noise, low interest and or able applicants, means this ain’t no place to building the kind of operation we look to build. In essence the fields are not fertile enough for the seeds we want to plant. In that case , hiking over to Wyoming, for going toewing, put the club’s radio ops in Utah, and go from there.

Since we are talking Radio ops.

Cable-One will be doing an upgrade, thing on the 1st of March 2012.

Meaning since we can’t stream, we’ll be off air, until mid morning Thursday.

Also we’ll have a new landline here so, besides my cell there will be a hard line. Let you know the number Friday on Highway Hooker Radio.

Taking the day off today, so outside of new app calls, I’m relaxing, and getting shut eye.

Until L8R


Quote of the Day:
Pessimist: One who, when he has the choice of two evils, chooses both.
--Oscar Fingall O'Flaherty Wills Wilde
Psalm 120:1“A song of ascents. I call on the LORD in my distress, and he answers me.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

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