New coat of fur
Most of you know this already but for the few that don’t here goes.
For me, and it is me, the pursuit of going toewing under Dixie Toewing has been good, everywhere except here.
Over night Correy and I had a long talk, and it is agreed that Dixie Toewing will become BlackSheep Towing, in honor of and in memory of the outfit I and Correy and a very select few flew with, called the BlackSheep Squadron VMF214 and l8r, VMA214. BlackSheep Toewing will become active just after August as it’ll take that long to repaint, in Corsair Blue/gray , and do up the printing of cards, invoices, uniforms and so on, but there is a change on the horizon, and I thought many of you should know.
Am I getting out of the club, no. Since the club is so much a part of me that getting out of the club, would be like cutting off my arm or leg , I just can’t do it. Has my faith and love of the modern confederacy and the resurrection of Dixie and the Confederate States of America gone? No. But I will say the dethroning of our radio ops by Mr. Ray McBerry of Dixie Broadcasting, did rain on our spirits some, mainly mine. As I told him when after weeks of waiting, he says he couldn’t wrap himself around us. That by the way Ray, killed your firm of a bunch of money for web site creation, promotion, and beyond your comprehension of how many $’s you lost.
Any mile, I will continue to fight as best as I can for our Confederacy, but I need to fight for me too.
Over the last 15 years my company has slid to the point I’m eating beans once a day. Bullshit. Snow storms come and I get a fraction of what we used to get, again bullshit.
So my will is get back to going toewing, I’m putting my shoulder to the wheel, and renewing my promises and commitment to being the best gall darn toew service in the Mountain west. Under a new image and all that can happen, thus BlackSheep Toewing.
Precision toewing done by and with Marine Aviation dedication.
Enuff said.
L8R Ya’ll
Psalm 120:1“A song of ascents. I call on the LORD in my distress, and he answers me.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |