If I hear one more thing about jobs I’m going to scream


If I hear one more thing from all these yeahoose running for President, I’m going to scream.

Mitt Romney, and all the rest yapping about creating new jobs. What about the jobs that are out there? Shit, there’s jobs, just too many lazy people that have long time ago given up due to fear from repercussions of 9-11 and all that just as soon stay at home collect disability or some form of SSI and not care. Until the middle to end of the month comes and one finds that $700.00 a month don’t go that far and thus are at the food bank begging.

I only do that when there is no other choice. But to prevent that crisis from happening in the first place I bust my ass going toewing or doing my radio gig or serving the club, in some way but I’m out working to make extra cash. It is out there. One has to look for it.

Just like our talent searches, both on air and in print.

If you work it out, $40.00 an hour for 6 full hours a day means $ 5,000.00 a month. No its not get rich time, but hey it’s a job, and for what? No sweating no breaking a skin, but in a environmentally controlled office, studio, digging on tunes and conversing with OTR truckers, bikers, and us in toewing, plus warbird enthusiasts.

No big heavy job, yet , be it male, female, young or old, just because its in somebody’s house means nobody dare enter. Yet in yesteryear one needing work would go to the big house on the ranch to get work herding cows, or putting up hay.

Sure the fartknockers that have tarnished this with ill deeds against women and/or children, yet small enterprises, that are ran in ones home can’t get nothing done in gaining new employees. Yet our politicians are out bellering like a milk cow that’s lost its calf, about, “Oh friends we need more jobs.” Bullshit, we need people to get off their ass, and go to work.  I always remember the saying Mamma wolf taught me as a Wolf Pup, she used to say,  “ the best way to get on your feet, is to get off your ass” Unless you extend yourself, and bust your butt trying something, you’ll never grow, never succeed. Sure you may stumble a few times, but like the bull rider. You only win the rodeo when ya’ll get back on the bull.

So Mitt, Obama, and the rest, preach not more jobs, but how to get more people off their ass to work.

L8R Ya’ll


2 Timothy 1:7“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”

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