You can't make money if you don't at least answer your phone

Maybe its that Marine spirit, maybe its Hazzard County tenacity , maybe its all of that together. Sometimes you have to be a Gashole but I just lost a service call, from not having my service truck available. That's partly my fault, but its also relying on others who joined our Reaper crew here at HCC . But this goes further, and I understand that family committments and things get in the way or come up, but again a phone call does wonders, don't expect your boss or commander to just keep wondering. That's a cause for complete discharge. This is not Burger King or McDonalds where stupid and ignorant not to mention arrogant crap is excused. In the tow business, holidays where people are out on the roads, its the time to be on call and ready, to take calls. If your equipment is down its time to get it fixed or expect to loose money, BIG MONEY. Highway Hooker Toewing along with Hazzard County Choppers has been accused many times of not paying wages. One if your not here to...