Sneaky little bastards aren't they

It never fails , open your email and you find spam. Stupid ads that you can but then are not always spam, or some that are generated through harvesting your name or companies name, that you think might be from one of your people, yet contain drive by malware or worse. Case-n-Point , my hotmail account gets this the worst. Once by some idiotic teen somewhere in Africa or someplace, got a FaceBook account in my screen name yet is not me. Not unless I grew tits and a twat. Yet I never got a confirmation notice , yet a notice that , that account has activity yet its not my activity. Ever try to call FaceBook on the phone and say you messed up? Google has problems when changing passwords. If you change passwords, everything gets wiped out, so I purtty much leave that one alone. MSN's hotmail is a bit more forgiving but not by much, even then there is not much , short of getting an attorney involved no phone in help desk. While the Internet is a great place to generate business from, and many firms in our industry uses it, it does have its own mine fields. In most cases, I use tried and true methods in doing important business. Either by phone, in person or ye ole snail mail. Which brings me to another diddy.
The other night at near 15:00 hours the bells go off on a major tow. Two trucks responded. Me & Rick in one, Big Ricky in another. Both with twin winches but single boom. Which meant having to back up directly at what your going to recover. Blocking traffic and requiring traffic control. While modern equipment is a bit faster than my old Holmes mechanical trucks, still because I have the luxury of true split, twin booms means I can sit on the shoulder of the highway, with outriggers, and winch out rather than me slyding into the ditch and making a situation even worse. I reviewd this in one of my blogs called, pull it out the same way it went in. The fact that I could have gotten out the pup trailer faster with a split twin boom, the job took longer than it might have otherwize. There is no substitution for pure cubic inches and horsepower. Solid American steel will out perform, many of these newer half aluminum trucks of today. Size does matter, and while I'd never try to recover a full sized class 8 truck with DixieBelle, still my good old Heavy Hooker Mack with the 750 Holmes twin boom split would have pulled that rig out much easier.
Whether its computers or tow trucks, sometimes the older rigs can do the job much better. Old does not mean done.
L8R Rode Warriors