Welcome to the Cat House, home of Highway Hooker Towing


Welcome to the HQ of Highway Hooker Towing and the Rode Knytes Association.

I made sure as best as I could that only we as towing professionals and our associates will be able to read this, and not

those from the idiotic self righteous Filthy Fifty of MHI can't.

Some may wonder why the flip on the handle I plan on running to light the candle of me going towing. Well

with me heading to Boise in a couple months and all the atmosphere is there, plus since I can't do too much

by way of media advertising , TV, radio etc, picking a set of names that describes what we do, but are

racy enough to catch the attention of those not too informed of what the meanings of our names mean.

Case in point. The term here at least for us, Hooker, means tow truck in long haul OTR trucker cb slang, likewise

Cat-House means at least for us, a place to get Heavy duty Cat Diesel powered trucks etc repaired.

Now you may wonder too, and there is a theory here, but when you saw the name for a punk rock band

a few years ago called; Bare Naked Ladies, you went to download the tunes, thinking that there really was

bare naked ladies on there singing, what you found was three rather fugdugly men singing, but hey it was a

clever marketing technique that got you to at least look them up. So think of the reaction of people when

they see tow trucks dressed in hot Tony Nancy yellow, hot pink with electric blue lettering running around

Boise and surrounding area, likewise in newspaper ads, and what TV ads we can afford to buy. There was a

good eating place in Boise recently that opened called Pussy's. The family dogs name was Pussy, but look at the

news both TV and Newspaper free news coverage they got. When you put all that together I think you'll see the

road I'm going here. Any mile lack of sleep and grub is making me seepee so I'll bid ya'll GN.

L8R Hookers,


Quote of the Day:
WARNING: Repeated brain usage may be harmful to others.
John 10:28-30“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. I and the Father are one.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.



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